cockroach import

On this page Carat arrow pointing down
CockroachDB v22.2 is no longer supported as of June 5, 2024. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.

The statements on this page are deprecated as of v23.1 and will be removed in a future release. To move data into CockroachDB, use IMPORT INTO or COPY FROM.

The cockroach import command imports a database or table from a local dump file into a running cluster. This command uploads a userfile, imports its data, then deletes the userfile. PGDUMP and MYSQLDUMP file formats are currently supported.

Required privileges

The user must have CREATE privileges on defaultdb.


Import a database:

$ cockroach import db <format> <location/of/file> <flags>

Import a table:

$ cockroach import table <table_name> <format> <location/of/file> <flags>

View help:

$ cockroach import --help

Supported Formats


Flag Description
--certs-dir The path to the certificate directory containing the CA and client certificates and client key.

Default: ${HOME}/.cockroach-certs/
--insecure Use an insecure connection.

Default: false
The SQL user that will own the client session.

Default: root
--ignore-unsupported-statements Ignore statements that are unsupported during an import from a PGDUMP file.
Default: false
--log-ignored-statements Log statements that are ignored during an import from a PGDUMP file to the specified destination (i.e., cloud storage or userfile storage.
--row-limit= The number of rows to import for each table during a PGDUMP or MYSQLDUMP import.
This can be used to check schema and data correctness without running the entire import.
Default: 0


Import a database

To import a database from a local file:

$ cockroach import db mysqldump /Users/maxroach/Desktop/test-db.sql --certs-dir=certs
successfully imported mysqldump file /Users/maxroach/Desktop/test-db.sql

Import a table

To import a table from a local file:

$ cockroach import table test_table pgdump /Users/maxroach/Desktop/test-db.sql --certs-dir=certs
successfully imported table test_table from pgdump file /Users/maxroach/Desktop/test-db.sql

Import a database with unsupported SQL syntax and log all unsupported statements

To import a database from a PGDUMP file that contains unsupported SQL syntax and log the ignored statements to a userfile:

$ cockroach import db pgdump /Users/maxroach/Desktop/test-db.sql --certs-dir=certs --ignore-unsupported-statements=true --log-ignored-statements='userfile://defaultdb.public.userfiles_root/unsupported-statements.log'
successfully imported table test_table from pgdump file /Users/maxroach/Desktop/test-db.sql

Import a limited number of rows from a dump file

To limit the number of rows imported from a dump file:

$ cockroach import table test_table pgdump /Users/maxroach/Desktop/test-db.sql --certs-dir=certs --row-limit='50'
successfully imported table test_table from pgdump file /Users/maxroach/Desktop/test-db.sql

See also

Yes No
On this page

Yes No